Saturday, October 17, 2009

Kennedy, Sabrina, and Hannah P search for information while in the corn maze. Even in cold weather, these girls are able to do research.
The kids really enjoyed sliding down into the pit of corn. Wow, how many turns can we have Mrs. Heff?
Tyring their luck a the Spud Shooter at Ramseyer Farms, Claire and Julia from Room 107, aim for distance.
Mrs. Heffernan's 4th grade class spent the day at Ramseyer Farms in Wooster. The worked their way through an 8 acre corn maze that is in the shape of Ohio. Throughout the maze, they needed to search for hidden answers for questions that related to Ohio history and Geography. Ramseyer farms is a working potato farm, but also has crops such as soybean, wheat, and pumpkin.

Students were able to visit farm animals while at Ramseyer farm. Kayla Whitley, from Room 107, feeds the baby goats.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mrs. G's Class Hiking Spree #4

What could be more fun than hiking and exercising at the same time?
Try the Sand Run Parcours and you can hike a mile and complete 20 physical fitness activities along the way. The students in Mrs. G's class loved the challenge of making par on each exercise. The Sand Run trail completion means they are half-way through the Hiking Spree for 2009.
Watch for updates in the near future.

Hiking Spree #3 - A Day in the Rain

Mrs. G's students are working hard at completing the Metro Parks Hiking Spree. On Wednesday, September 30th, they conquered two hikes in the cold and in the rain. Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow will stop this great bunch of Miller South students.

Cartographers Create in Mrs. G's Class

The students in Mrs. G's class have spent the last few weeks learning about maps. They culminated this learning by creating their own Maps of Imagination.
Each student chose a theme and then designed maps around that theme. Every map included a title, a map key, a compass rose, a map scale, and a grid to help locate places. Interesting map themes were magic, books, fashion, basketball, and frogs. The students used a rubric to earn their best scores. Their maps will be on display outside room 115. Stop by and enjoy.